Kenny’s Blog - 4

Is it just me, or is modern life turning into an endless fight for people’s attention? We have reached the point where we socially validate people with likes, hearts and up-votes, totally ignoring the socially inept. Those of us trapped in that outer circle feel increasingly unattractive and unlikable.

I’m not bitter, I just don’t understand why she agreed to come along if she wanted to stay trapped in her phone the whole time. The most eye contact I could get was when I was taking her picture. I felt like an accessory to her; just another opportunity to update her news feed with something worthy of likes. Why do we care? More importantly, why do we care how many likes other people get? It’s pixels on a screen. Nothing more than our need to compensate for our fragile egos driving us to create things purely for the validation of other people.

Wow, I really do sound bitter…

I think I need to talk to someone.


Kenny’s Blog - 5


Kenny’s Blog - 3